
Jungle Story

This story was originally published on the Triumphant Mercy blog on April 19th, 2017. You can read the original post here.

Syria has become a jungle for several years now where chaos & injustice rule and even steal the lives of so many people.

In my last visits to that jungle, I have met a lion. Yes, a lion, a very special lion, a lion with no limbs, a lion finishing his masters in political science.

A lion who roars very strongly his determination in life and his gratitude to what he has, never complaining about what he doesn’t have.

A lion who challenges your faith in the goodness of God even though he lacks most of the comfort we have.

A lion who’s got his trophee of “best 3 points shooter” that he won on a broken wheelchair.

A lion who keeps encouraging his mother to believe that God always provides.

This tells me that you don’t need your arms and feet to be a lion, from its roar, everybody knows that there is a lion in the jungle and he is its king.

This lion is my friend now, he is 23, he goes to youth groups and shares his hope with them, even though he was displaced from his village.

I visited him last week and his name is “Layth” which means lion in arabic.

Coincidence? I think not.