
Ministry provides jobs, creative outlets in Lebanon

*NOTE* This article was originally posted on Missions Network News. You can read the original article here.

Lebanon (MNN) — Lebanon’s financial crisis could be one of the worst in the world since the 1800s, financial experts say. Learn more here.

Christian ministries in the country continue to provide food and other resources to those in need, but they also want to see healing in Lebanese society through sustainable growth.

Providing people jobs

Nuna with Triumphant Mercy Lebanon says, “We have visited people who just say, ‘I don’t want your help, I want you to provide me a job.’ So many people have said this, so this is what we’re trying to do. I know we cannot do much. I know we cannot provide like 100,000 jobs. This is something a government can do, but we can start to do small things.”

Nuna says they place some people working with children, some working in the kitchen on dehydrated food, and others teaching soccer or dance. These are very small jobs, but they provide people with a little income.


They also provide community and outlets for creativity. Nuna says, “When you’re in a depression, you cannot be creative. So we have groups of people who do some trauma healing.”

As people work and share their lives together, Nuna says it’s a good opportunity to share the hope of Jesus. “It’s quite easy actually to share the Gospel, to share the hope of Jesus. We say there is a way to get out of what we are in. And this is Jesus. That’s very acceptable in people’s minds. They are just open for it all the time.”

