
Time to Move

Even with a day off from work, they are here. The life coaching class is not one that we want to skip a week. This class is key to giving the power to make changes in their lives. Giving practical skills and new ways of thinking that move those who are stagnant into motion.


This week they are working on how to change the way we think about events. The life coach’s example? Rain.

What do YOU think about when you know that it’s raining?


Is it positive or negative? If it’s negative, how do we change it? Each person in the group shares how they think and how they came to have that idea of it. As they share and coach Gio brings around the discussion, you see the light come on and the idea hitting home. Not only is it hitting home but the examples they share are coming from their lives.


Realizing we have the power to change how we think about things is a key to moving forward. This gives a perspective that can move someone forward instead of being stuck.  This is the type of thinking that changes situations and lives. 


These ones who are in class are changers. They are taking seriously what they need to do to change their lives. These small changes, growing person by person, changes cities, and nations. These are those who refuse to give up. They will look at a challenge as an opportunity. These are those who will persevere and who will lead others into change and a new future for Lebanon.

