
Coming in Cold

A shiver runs through me as I swing my legs out of bed into the cold winter air. The smell of rain is evident after the stormy night. I get out of my warm bed with a proper mattress and stack of blankets in my home, but for over 1.5 million Lebanese this winter that is not the case.


Many of the 1.5 million displaced people sleep on thin mattresses on the cold floor. Some of them in displacement centers, some stuffing 3-4 families in one apartment and still some in makeshift tents on the streets. Though many of the displaced are now making their way home due to the cease fire, for many this is still the case since many are returning to either destroyed homes or are still unsure of what will happen next.


 As the days get colder and colder the winter chill is slowly seeping through the mattresses and no matter the pile of blankets the cold cuts through. And for older individuals and those with other medical problems the cold itself creates problems.


We are giving as many blankets as we can and will begin to give hot water bottles. For those with electricity we are providing heaters and for those who without we are providing gas heaters. This will only keep the cold away for so long.


Though the there is a cease fire we continue into winter we hold out hope that there will be a change in Lebanon. We will do what we can to help, but our ultimate hope lies in the coming change. The Lord uses all things, and the Lord has plans for Lebanon.


Triumphant Mercy wants to play our part in that plan and continues to serve and bring hope where others have lost it, because we rely on our eternal hope and not what we see in front of us.

