
Each child is beautifully crafted in their mother’s womb. They each have a destiny and a future. Each one is born into life with a purpose and they deserve to be able to grow into that purpose and their childhood should not be stolen from them. They deserve the carefree time in their lives that they can run wild, get dirty, play, laugh until their bellies hurt, and most of all to learn. They deserve the foundation of a steadily growing understanding of how the world works and they deserve not to be forced into the adult world.  

Though every child who experiences trauma, displacement or hardships can have this time of their life disrupted it’s the girls who feels it most. According to the UNHCR girls are registered to school at half the rate that boys are registered. Many of these girls are not only kept home to work with their mother’s with the claim that “she does not need school” and then they often are married at the young ages of 14, 15, or 16. These girls have no chance to even experience all their childhood without the pressure to become a mother and be a good wife, things that should be reserved for adulthood.

At Triumphant Mercy we fight for childhoods, believing that if a child can grow and learn at their own pace, this will allow them to become healthy flourishing adults. We sit with families and explain the benefits to their family, their daughter and her future family by allowing her to study, by allowing her to be a young woman and girl in her time.  We do this knowing that it extends far beyond her and the family but to the communities and the futures of nations.

We cannot allow this generation of girls to continue to have childhood taken. We can stand up and choose to stand with her against those things that would stand in her way. We can help her to push them to the side, and then stand behind her as she walks into her destiny.