
“You have to close.” This was the municipality coming to the doors of our center in Zahle.


 It’s been a crazy year for the kids opening…closing…opening…closing. It’s been going back and forth. The teachers more dedicated than ever, were holding classes over WhatsApp, in their homes when possible, and going home to home with to meet with children. When we were open the teachers were all preparing extra materials to give out when the inevitable closing happened again. 


Even, amid distraction while being at home, and the back in forth of the opening and closing the kids persevered. They did what they had to do, to get the work done.  They continued to learn despite the uncertainty.


Already living in uncertainty in the times of COVID these children are learning a whole new way to be flexible. They are learning in a practical sense the commonly used phrase, “where there’s a will, there’s a way.” This dedication shows growing maturity and a promising future in these children. The ability to continually overcome obstacles allows these children to grow and always look for the opportunity amidst the problem.


Last Friday was the celebration of this hard work. The graduation of the children to their next levels. It was a celebration not only of the normal hard work, but of determination, persistence and will that allowed the school, both teachers and students, to finish this school year with joy and added a little extra importance to their celebration.


Our world needs problem solvers for the future, not complainers. These times are training the children from a young age in the ways they should go and are sewing into them hard work and determination that changes cities, and will go to change their nation when they return.