
“Teacher, I used to be scared to use the drill, but now I’m not scared at all”, one of our younger students exclaimed happily as she drilled a screw.  It was moments like this that made my heart happy over the 3-week carpentry workshop that I helped teach. Many of the students were timid to use different tools the first few classes and by the end of the workshop they were confidently using everything that we had taught them. 


On the first day of class in our women’s group one of the ladies shared that she is a single mother and was excited for our class so she can fix/do things around the house herself. 


During our second class with some of the younger students one of the girls was unimpressed with being in our class that day. When we asked her why she didn’t want to learn about carpentry she responded with “Girls can never be a carpenter. This is boys’ work.” By the end of the three weeks the same little girl was happily using a hammer or drill and proudly showing off her picture frame that she had made herself. I loved being able to help change the beliefs around carpentry being only boys’ work and helping the girls and women become confident in themselves as they learn new skills.  


Girls doing carpentry is not a normality in Arab culture. I am grateful to TM that they go beyond what is normal and teach boys, girls, and women new skills that will enable them to have a brighter future. 
